In order to really succeed in the fierce game of competition
that constitutes business today, smart companies must understand exactly what
kind of consumers their target customers really are. To accurately understand
the identity of these customers many companies use market segmentation. Market
segmentation is aggressively implemented by today’s top market researchers to help
companies understand, as well as possible, the various potential sections of
their consumer base.
Vogue Magazine has adopted its target markets based
on geo-demographic segmentation indicating that those who are truly interested
in fashion and beauty are most likely upper class women. The contents of Vogue don’t
just deal with beauty and aesthetic concerns, but also addresses the topics of
contemporary art and social issues as they concern the specific target market
of upper class women.
To answer increasingly diverse customer demands and
accommodate expanding markets, Vogue has worked hard towards publishing editions
in 18 countries around the world. These various editions are written in the
target geo-demographic native language of each target region. Vogue has also
diversified magazine content in new editions aimed at emerging segments of the
market via publications such as Teen Vogue, Vogue Living, and Vogue Entertainment + Travel. Furthermore, each country’s respective
Vogue office continues to establish even more target market specific editions
of Vogue within those various countries, that cater to the unique needs and
demands of their own even more region specific local domestic consumer types.
This ensures that Vogue Magazine reaches more and more readers in countless
market niches the world over as market researchers continue to better
understand the millions of potential customers waiting out there, along their
varied and uniquely diverse consumer needs.