Thursday, October 25, 2012

Ch. 17 - Advertising and Public Relations

Advertising plays a critical role in the success of most any business. Companies use advertising both to push their way into the market at a business's initial inception, and also to maintain market awareness and keep steady the brand's overall market presence.


By 1909 Vogue Magazine had already been in print for over twenty years. But it was from that same year that the Vogue Magazine we know today really began to take shape. In 1909 American publishing mogul Conde Nast took the reins of what had been a faltering magazine that was beginning to loose money for its major investors. Through the highly agressive PR and advertising campaigns Conde Nast brought to the center of his business agenda, Vogue was able to establish by mid 20th century an unbreakable foot hold as a de facto leader in the international fashion arena. Thanks to Nast's sustained advertizing efforts which catered primarily to wealthy, culturally conscious American elites, Vogue continues to reap very substantial market rewards even today. This is an excellent example of pioneer advertising, or advertising which stimulates across the market primary demand for a new product or service. As an innovator and trend setter in women's fashion journalism, in effect the first major fashion publication of it's kind, Vogue Magazine exemplifies pioneer advertising and continues year by year to reap the benefits of Conde Nast's agressive PR and advertising regimen which began to set things in motion for Vogue over a hundred years ago.


 Over these Past ten years all of Vogues many region specific editions have established very well designed multi-faceted web sites which continue to feature countless promotional events (both online and at brick and mortar venues) along with regularly updated fashion news and recent Vogue developments.


 Each year the Vogue September issue continues to attract more and more high fashion advertisers to its glossy pages, filling more pages every year with eye catching advertising regimens from all across the fashion world which greatly boosts Vogue's overall revenue. This past September's long-awaited Vogue Issue boasted over 900 pages, a veritable Bible of recent trends, fashion developments, and glamorous fanfare for readers all over the world. By building up the September issue's mystique and media buzz year after year, Vogue has created a roller coaster phenomenon that pulls the fashion world into its inescapable gravity with increasing vigor every Fall season without fail.  


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